Lec­tur­er­s‘ re­serves – fur­ther in­form­a­tion

As far as it is urgently required for research and teaching, the University Library offers Paderborn University lecturers the possibility to set up a reserve collection for permanently required items (§10 Library Regulations).

What do you have to do and what are the rules?

  • A lecturer’s reserve is set up on the basis of an informal written application to the Head of the Department of Library Use & Service.
  • The size of a lecturer’s reserve is limited to 100 volumes (not titles).
  • As a rule, only literature acquired in addition to the regular holdings can be included in a lecturer’s reserve. If a copy from the existing holdings is to be borrowed into a lecturer’s reserve, the consent of the responsible subject librarian is required. Reference works in loose-leaf form are generally permitted, even with regular supplements; journals are generally excluded.
  • The items in a lecturer’s reserve must remain accessible for use in the university area. If the item is unique to the University Library, the library has the right to provide information on the lecturer’s reserve in which the item is located. The enquiring user must then be granted short-term access.
  • In case of the loss of items in lecturers’ reserves, the library must be informed immediately. The owner of the lecturer’s reserve is liable for losses.
  • The University Library has the right to make an audit in the lecturer’s reserve and to reclaim items if library reasons require this.
  • Upon termination of the lecturer's employment, the reserve collection is dissolved and all items must be returned.

Do you have any further questions?

The staff at the circulation desk will be happy to provide you with information.