Short-term child­care ser­vice PUKi - Pader­borner Uni Kids

At Paderborn University, students and employees with children can benefit from a short-term childcare service with qualified staff. This childcare service is intended to free up parents to deal with important university-related matters (e.g. at the University Library), while knowing their children are in good hands. Children between the ages of one and twelve can be supervised and entertained for up to three hours free of charge in the PUKi facility (Room E2.301) by qualified staff, assisted by Education Studies students.

The service is intended to provide childcare at short notice/short-term childcare when the child’s usual childcare provider is unavailable or in special cases, such as during consultation hours, work meetings, seminars, examination group meetings, library visits and committee meetings.

Information on short-term childcare - including the current opening hours - can be found at: